Across sports, athlete injuries are on the rise. A few factors are to blame
Across the world, sports fans are starting to see a trend emerge: Their favorite athletes are getting injured. Numerous NBA stars have missed playoff games this spring with a variety of nagging injuries. Most recently, Kawhi Leonard of the Los Angeles Clippers hurt his knee in the midst of a game, an injury that sent superstar LeBron James on a three-tweet rant admonishing the league and its handling of games during the Covid-19 pandemic.
What Football Players Need to Know About ACL Injuries
Football players account for 71% of all male ACL injuries in high school athletes. If you play, coach, or treat football players, there’s a lot of information you should know about ACL sprains and tears. The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is one of four cruciate ligaments located in the knee. It connects the femur to the tibia through the center of the knee. This stabilizes the knee while moving. The ACL is the main ligament used when planting and cutting, a common football maneuver to “fake out” an opponent. It is also the most commonly injured cruciate ligament.
Medical Residents Unionize Over Pay, Working Conditions
Physicians-in-training at top teaching hospitals across the country are joining unions, demanding higher pay and better working conditions.
The Committee of Interns and Residents, the largest group representing doctors in residency and fellowship programs, said it added chapters at five teaching hospitals last year and two in 2021, up from a prepandemic pace of roughly one a year.AAOS Updates Clinical Practice Guideline for Surgical Management of Osteoarthritis of the Knee
The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) issued an update to the Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) for Surgical Management of Osteoarthritis of the Knee, which replaces the previous edition released in 2015. This CPG provides two new evidence-based recommendations and updates to 19 of the 38 recommendations. In addition to providing guidelines for specific surgical techniques and procedures for knee osteoarthritis (OA), the CPG also highlights important lifestyle considerations including diabetes, BMI and opioid use, all of which can play a role in surgical outcomes and complications.
The Future of Spine Care Innovation—Software not Hardware
The aim was to utilize the lessons from the digital transformation of industries beyond healthcare, weigh the changing forces within the healthcare ecosystem, and provide a framework for the likely state of spine care delivery in the future.